Lambda Psi
On March 11, 1975, 21 Dynamic Women brought the dreams and work of our 22 Illustrious Founders to the campus of the University of Florida. Since that day, members of the Lovely Lambda Psi Chapter have continued to trail-blaze and bring quality programming and service to the Gator Nation and Gainesville community.
Gloria Janice Allen
Valerie Ann Barnes
Yvette Lorraine Bell
Peggy Ann Brockington
Teresa Renee Brown
Inez Pricilla Butler
Vivian Dawson
Glynis Michelle Duncan
Yolanda Jean Frazier
Janie Mae Fulton
Beverly Ann Henderson
Belinda Annette Howell
Angela Lorraine Jacobs
Gladys M.E. Johnson
Laurice Renee Johnson
Glenda Betina Jones
Linda Arlette Jones
Sylvia Marie Kilpatrick
Marzene Marie Pinkney
Ella Mae Webster
Donna Lynn Wood
Lambda Psi
Charter Members

Awards & Recognitions
National Level
National Social Action Award
National Membership Services Award
National Collegiate Advisor of the Year Award
Leadership DELTA
National Delta GEMS Lawry's Grant
National Physical and Mental Health Program of the Year Award
Regional Level
Minerva Academic of Excellence Award
Florida Advisor of the Year
Florida Chapter of the Year
Most DivaSTATEing Award
Collegiate Legacy of Excellence Award
for Program Planning
Website of the Year
Regional Award for Economic Development
Exemplary Program Planning
Arts & Letters Program of the Year
Collegiate of the Year
Distinguished Service
Newsletter of the Year
Local Level
NPHC Chapter of the Year
NPHC Outstanding Educational Program of the Year
NPHC Neophyte of the Year
University of Florida Greek Advisor of the Year